Mar 31, 2020

March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020

INFINITI of Scottsdale wants to remind you that social distancing is a necessary step if we want to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though our movement and interaction with others have been limited during this difficult time, there are still positive things you can do. Here are five things to practice while social distancing due to the coronavirus.

Stay Alert With Exercise and Movement 

An object at rest tends to stay at rest. It’s simple physics. Don’t allow yourself to become a couch potato during this time of social distancing. Clean the house. Do some exercises inside your home—dust off that exercise equipment you own and use it. Make sure to include plenty of movement each day. 

Clean Up Your Task List 

It’s springtime. For many of us, that means spring cleaning or tidying up our to-do list. You can also use this time to clean out the inbox for your email. You will be surprised at how much you can get done in a very short period of time.

Do a Project Just for Fun 

Our busy lives sometimes cause us to forget the simple pleasures of putting a model together, doing a puzzle, or assembling a Lego set. Maybe there is some crafting that you have been wanting to do. You have time to do that now. Enjoy the time and make the most of it. 

Stay Positive 

All of us need to stay positive during this difficult time. You might want to read an inspirational book. Perhaps you can watch uplifting videos online. Spend a few moments each day just being grateful for all that you have. A positive frame of mind will help you to better endure social distancing. 

Embrace Self-Care 

Now is a good time to pamper yourself with a nice hot bath. Maybe you should light some candles and meditate. Updating your journal is another positive activity. There are many self-care things you can do. Whatever you enjoy at home but rarely have time to do, embrace it now. 

We invite you to call us here at INFINITI of Scottsdale for more information on how this may affect your visit. We will all get through this together.